Next Step Leadership

Friendships in Leadership - Chris Maxwell & Tracy Reynolds - Season 4, Episode 19

Chris Maxwell & Tracy Reynolds Season 4 Episode 21

Chris and Tracy usually interview guests. Through their episodes, they have enjoyed conversations with a variety of pastors, authors, leaders, professors, and friends. The importance of that last role—friends—is the emphasis Tracy and Chris bring to their audience in this podcast. They have known each other for almost two decades. They have worked together. They have faced storms, uncertainty, vulnerability, and changes. They have chosen to spend time together—in person, through texts, with meals, and in large groups. They have welcomed business meetings and friendship meetings. They have designed a healthy atmosphere. What is their hope? They desire those listening will choose to work hard to develop healthy, long-term relationships. While pains from past relationships can cause initial reluctance to become close friends with others, Tracy and Chris dare today’s leaders to seek help regarding those hurts while intentionally building healthy friendships. How are you doing with that? What should you do about it? Who should be beside you in this journey of life?